There are some things in life you never forget.

Your first date, the first car, your wedding… and of course, being handed the keys to your dream home.

And with the median house price in Melbourne topping at $820,000 last year, you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth!

The process of looking for and buying a home is stressful enough. You don’t want to find yourself dealing with even more stress – not to mention, expenses – caused by an unforeseen plumbing problem.

At H2-Pro, we urge homebuyers to take the time to engage a local plumber to conduct a thorough inspection. And we’re not just talking to first-time homebuyers – veteran homebuyers would be wise to pay attention, too!


Plumbing inspection: start with the pipes

The first thing you should do after signing on the dotted line is organise a full inspection of your new house. While it may look good to the eye, you’re none the wiser when it comes to problems hiding under the hood.

Your home’s pipes deal with a lot of… stuff. Pipes are often under a lot of pressure.

From the main sewer to your connecting pipes all the way through to kitchen and bathroom taps, your local plumber will check for blockages, leaks or damage. If you’re buying an older home with metal pipes, your plumber will also look for signs of rust and corrosion.

Problems with your pipes can affect water pressure and flow. Your best (and first) course of action is to consult with a qualified local plumber, like H2-Pro’s team of Warrandyte plumbers, to conduct a full and thorough inspection.

Warrandyte plumbers

Next stop? Your hot water unit

If you neglect the proper plumbing inspection, and therefore fail to realise an issue with your hot water system, you might be faced with a very chilly wake-up call: no hot water!

Generally, gas heaters will last for 8-12 years, while electric ones have a slightly longer lifespan: about 10-15 years. Any longer (and in many cases, even shorter if the systems have not been properly maintained over the years), your unit may fail you.

Regardless if you’re moving into a home that’s 5 or 50 years old, your new hot water unit must be inspected.

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to figure out whether your hot water system is nearing its use-by-date: just check the unit! Most hot water systems have a sticker on the side showing the installation date.

And if the previous owners were on point with maintenance, their plumber will have left a record of maintenance history, too.

These are some other factors we look for during a hot water unit inspection:

Rusting and corrosion

  • Hot water tanks are vulnerable to rusting and corrosion…
  • … especially if the last owners were lax with maintenance
  • We’ll also look at the valves around your hot water system for rust
  • If the outsides are rusty, there are decent odds the insides are too

Avoid getting into hot water

Does your hot water system produce only lukewarm water?

This could be due to a leaking water unit. Have you noticed any evidence of a leak, damp patches, or mould growth around your unit?

We will also check your Pressure and Temperature Relief (PTR) and isolation valves. The normal heating cycle creates pressure in your water heater. Let this pressure build up, and the results could be disastrous! Like the name suggests, these two valves are responsible for releasing pressure and stopping the flow of water in emergencies.

plumber in Box Hill

Tap troubles?

Water hammer

Here’s an experiment: turn your water on to full blast. Then, turn the tap off suddenly. Do you hear a faint “thunk” sound?

If so, you may have problems with water hammer.

Water hammer refers to the specific sound that comes with suddenly turning off your water. When fast-moving water is brought to a sudden stop in your pipes, it creates a small shockwave and that distinctive noise.

Taps have air chambers and cushions to absorb this shock. However, if these safety measures are waterlogged or damaged, your taps and pipes are taking the full force of this shock. You can’t expect pipes to last too long with this kind of abuse!

You can avoid this by turning water off gently. For a permanent fix however, it’s best to talk to your local plumber who can help devise the right solution.


Organise your plumbing inspection today! Need a plumber in Warrandyte?

H2-Pro’s plumbers are ready to help!

Of course, any plumbing issues (whether visible or hidden) will not be identified without the help of a real pro.

One of the best decisions you can make as a homebuyer is to take the time to organise a full, dedicated plumbing inspection.

Our certified team of plumbers will look at your pipes, hot water unit, taps, and other plumbing fixtures. And if we find any problems with your new house, we’ll offer practical, timely, and cost-effective solutions! So if you need a plumber in Warrandyte, Mitcham, or any other surrounding suburb, please get in touch!

Better yet, you can contact us anytime of the day or night for immediate plumbing advice. Need an emergency plumber? Call now! (03) 9844 1444.

If you’d like to book an inspection, call us now or fill in this form and we will be in touch!