Did you know that there is a mountain of requirements that licensed builders, electricians, tilers, and of course plumbers need to deal with when upgrading your old bathroom?

Will it slow down your bathroom renovation? Perhaps. But is there a good reason these requirements are in place? You bet!

If you are unsure of these plumbing legal requirements, then it might be best to consult with a licensed Doncaster plumber like H2-Pro… especially for renovations involving hot water delivery and water supply pressure.


A Doncaster plumber explains the legal requirements of hot water plumbing

One of the most complex parts of your home plumbing system is your hot water heater.

When installed improperly, it also has the power to land you in hot water (pun strongly intended) in more ways than one.

As a result, it’s one of the bigger sources of plumbing red tape.

When it comes to hot water plumbing, it’s best to consult with a professional and licensed plumber. They won’t just help you choose a powerful, high-quality water heater for your home – they’ll also ensure your system is 100% legal, too.

Here are some of the additional factors your Doncaster plumbing expert needs to consider giving the go signal on your bathroom renovation:

Energy-efficient hot water systems

We use a lot of hot water – in fact, it’s estimated that around 25% of a typical household’s energy is spent heating up water.

Not only is choosing an energy-efficient hot water system a great way of cutting down on your heating bill, but it also reduces your greenhouse emissions.

Most importantly, it’s a legal requirement now!

Gone are the days when electric water heaters were the dominant hot water system. Since 2010, the state and federal governments have changed their building codes to stop the installation of electric hot water system installation.

The goal is a complete phasing out of electric water heaters, which are believed to contribute to the 23% of total greenhouse gas emissions from homes.

As a result, the only legal options for hot water installation are:

  • Gas water systems
  • Solar water heaters

Temperature regulations

State building codes regarding water temperature in your water heater are almost unanimous: nearly all states and territories mandate that water in storage tank systems should never fall below 60°C.

This is to ensure any bacteria that might start growing in the tank is killed.

At the same time, building codes also require water that comes from the outlets to never exceed 50°C. This necessitates the installation of tempering valves to bring the temperature down.

Why? Because it only takes 3 seconds of exposure (oftentimes less) to 60°C. degree water to receive a scald or burn. Many older systems store water at even higher temperatures, where burns can occur in less than a second!

When installing a new water heater for your bathroom, you’ll need to consider both of these legal requirements.

Not all homeowners know about this – that’s why we recommend calling a Doncaster plumbing expert to do it for you!

Bathroom renovation

Water efficiency requirements

Water is a finite resource, which is why homeowners need to take steps to use water efficiently.

Part of that is taking steps to cut down on our water usage around the home.

The other part is ensuring that your appliances are water-efficient and that your flow rate falls within the legal requirements.

Is your bathroom renovation WELS-compliant?

The vast majority of water-consuming appliances are registered with the government’s Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme. This program aims to promote efficient appliances.

Not all appliances are regulated by WELS. When it comes to bathroom renovation however, the vast majority are.

While not a regulation for homeowners, WELS-approved appliances can result in better water efficiency which means lower bills!

The regulation, instead, is for builders, suppliers, real estate agents, and plumbers. It can be summed up in the following statement:

“If you are involved in supplying or installing regulated products in a new building or renovation, you must meet the same requirements as retailers selling products to consumers.”

Australian Government’s Water Rating website

A Doncaster plumber reduces the pressure – water pressure, that is

Another legal requirement is devices that regulate water pressure and flow.

Under the Plumbing Code of Australia, the maximum flow rate of any shower or tap cannot exceed 9 litres a minute.

That means choosing outlets that adhere to this limitation or getting a local plumber to install valves that limit water flow.

Another thing to consider is water pressure.

The building code also prohibits outlet pressure in excess of 500 kPa. Just like flow rate, you’ll need to ensure that your bathroom renovation uses outlets that are within this limit.

Failing that, valves can be installed to reduce pressure.


Contact a licensed Doncaster plumber today!

If you’re planning a bathroom renovation or upgrade, you’ll need to ensure your plan complies with the law.

And the only way to ensure your renovation plan is 100% in line with plumbing legal requirements is to choose a Doncaster plumber with extensive knowledge and experience.

H2-Pro Plumbing knows what your bathroom needs. We provide expert advice on what your bathroom renovation needs.

More importantly, our entire team is fully licensed and insured. Not only does this offer quality workmanship, but it also means we’re up-to-date and able to issue compliance certificates that guarantee compliance with Victorian building codes.

No matter where you live in Melbourne’s north-east, give H2-Pro a call today to discuss your bathroom renovations plan.

Book online or call (03) 9844 1444 today!